

The most engaging platform - Co-created with you.


Increased privacy settings

Not planned
Has anyone else seen it as somewhat problematic that all admins have access to everything on a workspace? I have clients who work with 1-1 coaching using Howspace and they...

Pinning feature with different colors (for different meaning) and emojis

We published this Aug 14, 2023

Clients have asked this: Could there be possibility to add different kind of PINs for the same image. For example:  Green = highly important Yellow = useful Red = not...

Audio recording for Assignment widget

Would it be possbile to get the Audio recording answers for the Assignment widget like it is in the Chat widget right now? It would be a more personal and...

Private chat for participants

I get asked over and over again about the possibility for the participants to chat with eachother privately. We have long programmes and the participants would like to chat with...

People widget fully transparent background

We published this Aug 21, 2023

Over time, we've received many requests to enable a fully transparent background option for the People widget. This enhancement allows an even more seamless visual look for your workspaces. We're...

Sorting profile fields manually and alphabetically

We published this Aug 18, 2023

Sometimes there is a need to reorder the already created multiple-choice profile fields. Our latest update introduced the ability to manually sort or arrange these options alphabetically, providing enhanced control...

Live widget layout

We published this May 15, 2024

There's usually outlines on the sides of Howspace pages. Would be awesome if you could change the location of the live widget screens to either side, from top to bottom,...

Resizing image in Superchat entry

I would like to be able to resize an image that I attach in a Superchat.  I have noted that when I attach an image in a superchat - especially...

Filter users by last seen on this page in People widget

We published this Aug 18, 2023

For a more comprehensive insight into page visitors within both a 5-minute and 24-hour timeframe, we're excited to introduce an enhanced filtering option within the People widget. This new feature...

Indicate to the users if a widget is permanently anonymous

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We now offer the choice to maintain user input in a permanently anonymous state across multiple widgets and features, such as Super Chat, Pulse, Poll, and Pinning. To further enhance...

Sort Activity collection activities alphabetically

We published this Aug 1, 2023

The activity collection activities are now sorted alphabetically. To make it easier to get an overview of the whole activity collection. 

Count each path part as 1 point in Leaderboard scoring

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We've implemented a scoring fix for the leaderboard in path mode. Previously, participants received 1 point for each path completion. Now, points are awarded based on the number of path...

Optionally hide users' last names from other participants

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We've introduced a feature that allows admins to hide users' last names from other participants, mirroring the functionality of hiding email addresses. Admins can still view last names in user...

Optionally show Activity Collection score in certificate

We published this Aug 17, 2023

For more advanced certifications you can now include Activity Collection score in the certificate. 

Optionally move to next page after path is completed

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We've introduced a new feature that allows you to personalize the "Ready" button found at the end of the path, making it easier than ever to seamlessly proceed to the...

Annotation and pinning in full page view for pdfs

Sometimes it would be very beneficial to use pinning & annotations in full page mode (as discussed here). If we add this, we also need to have support the ability...

Possibility to mark comments unread and/or integration with Slack

This functionality would help users ensure they are not missing out on a conversation in workspaces due to their hectic schedules. When logging into a workspace and seeing the unread...

Schedule invitation emails repeatedly, weekly, monthly

Hi, I have a case with a customer where participants are invited to a reflection page every week for an entire year! It would be good if one could schedule invitation...

A frame

We published this May 14, 2024

Hi. Is it possible to get a frame as an option on a textwidget?Sometimes when you dont use a background, you still want something that frames the info. Cheers! /Åsa...

How to copy sent emails in workspace template

It would be nice and really time-saving to have emails copied in workspace template. When the template is kind of designed collaboration with guiding messages, the admin could create new...

Compact threaded display for Super Chat

This potential UX option would show the Super Chat responses as compact threaded items using accordions. It is more useful when capturing input before and after a live meeting. A...

Hide homepage and/or containers for userlists

It would be amazing if we could hide a certain container for specific userlists, without having to duplicate full pages (which makes it messy). Also, hiding the homepage for certain...

Steps& editing widgets: Option to expand edits to affect ALL steps?

When you edit (interactive) widgets on a page that's set up in Steps mode, it's only possible to edit them separately for each step; the idea is of course that...

Listing users in alphapethical order when filtering users in Super Chat&Assignment

We published this Sep 15, 2023

This is a customer request about filtering Super chat comments: "It would be great if the list of names was in alphabetical order. We run non-stop trainings with hundreds of participants...

Filtering on several pages at once

It would be wonderful if I could filter the Task (Tehtävä) and maybe also Superchat widgets so that all widgets on the site are filtered at once. We run a...

Printing ones own entries

It woudl be great if there wer some other way for the participant to print his/her entries other than using the browser's print function. The best thing would be if...

Sync workspace users from external source

We published this Nov 21, 2023

Quite often users for the workspace come from external source: like CRM, member registry or some other database. Usually importing users is done manually (excel or copypaste of emails). This...

E-mail background

Greetings everyone   I am using a customized background for a page but when sending my e-mails about this page they have the default background. It would be great to...

Add last activity at into main user app and API

When you view "My workspaces" you can see last activity date per workspace. This information is missing from main user app workspaces -view and also from our Partner API. It...

Powering transformative impact

Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.