Customer request, would it be possilbe to show in poll widget who has answered what in results view. This possibility would be important eg. in municipalities when voting eg. in...
Possibility to use "free canvas" instead of containers with columns when positioning widgets. This would allow more flexible layouts. Also important that you can set the canvas background, so that...
I would like to have a funktion for "semi-admins".
Ex Educaters/leaders that can do certain things as an admin - but not everything. For example see "Framsteg" (Progress?) for everyone....
"Show all exam results" has a section for "passed", "started", and "not started". Could there also be one for "failed"? It's a bit confusing now, if you can have people...
Is it possible to set up a workspace visuals for the user account so, that only organization approved visuals can be used? I.e. the user can choose the visuals for...
I appreciate that Howspace isa great a platform to encourage social interaction and the Superchat widget is a brilliant tool to interact with various set levels of audience (e.g. to...
When you allow users to give each other points in the Superchat widget, these points are not added to the total points a user has collected for the Scoreboard widget....
The scoreboard widget allows to see the points each individual has. It would be nice to have the choice to see the total points of the whole group. For programs...
Allows participants (up to 400) to join and follow webinar, without need to grant any special permissions (camera, mic). This allows very nice and interactive webinars, since viewers can be...
The widget would integrate a Google Drive folder. This would take care of setting the permissions and the embed code. Many users do not want to go through the steps...
Possibility for admins to tag user lists, teams or all users in super chats. E.g. after adding @ to the text field admin would be able to choose to search...
To make the workspace creation faster, allowing organizational default themes to be set. More customized look & feel for the customers. Allow users to create & save themes to make...
Hello, Our users are asking if it's possible to download all content in a Howspace at once instead of having to download all pictures, reading materials, presentations, etc one by one....
When you upload a .png file with a transparent background as a page background, the workspace takes one of its colours or some sort of a mix & fills transparent...
It would be great to have possibility to add subtitles to videos. There should be possibility to define language of the subtitles, so user can choose which language they want...
Use case: many participants in a workspace, some identifying feature in profile fields (e.g. office location) -> it would be nice to be able to export data that has been...
Kunna välja vilken ordning handledarna syns. Går att filtrera på namn eller senast inloggad skulle vara bra att kunna dra dom i den ordningen man vill ha dom. Vissa är...
In many different situations, it would be beneficial for the admin to be able to know when a person was last in the workspace. Now this has to be looked...
It would be amazing if we could hide a certain container for specific userlists, without having to duplicate full pages (which makes it messy). Also, hiding the homepage for certain...
Pohdimme webinaariemme siirtämistä Howspaceen. Toistaiseksi toimivimmat tavat tähän taitavat olla
Live-widget. Tässä on 200 osallistujan raja ja kokousmaisen osallistumistavan tuomat haasteet, kuten kameroiden ja mikrofonien käyttö
Streamaus esim. YouTube liveen,...
Alternative mode for superchat, where you would get "full screen" view that allows free drag and dropping of the chat comments (sticky notes). This can be used for prioritizing ideas,...