
Compact threaded display for Super Chat

This potential UX option would show the Super Chat responses as compact threaded items using accordions. It is more useful when capturing input before and after a live meeting. A use case that I am engaged with is continuation of interviews/focus groups afterwards to drive addition discussion and to vet ideas with participants.

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Antti Peisa, Howspace 12.9.2023 11:46 Edited: 19.9.2023 09:34

Hi Douglas

Thanks for your idea. We have actually considered this already, so it is very nice to get more pressure for this. Compact view would be very important also when we implement magic canvas where widgets will have fixed amount of height available. I know for sure that we will not touch this before we finish our UI renewal, so that is the reason we will keep this idea under consideration for now.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Douglas Gilbert 12.9.2023 13:12 Edited: 19.9.2023 09:35

The superchat's non-compact nature limits my use of the widget in data collection. Hope to see it soon because the AI features work better with more input..

Antti Peisa, Howspace, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Under consideration

12.9.2023 11:15, Douglas Gilbert

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