Customer of mine asked this: If you have a questinnaire in workspace and possibility to answer will end on a day x. After that day, would it be possible to...
We have been wondering why is it that admins have to click the comments open in the Superchat if the users can see only their own comments. For an admin...
We would like text-widget to feature .pdf export.
Our board of directors hold the board meetings in Howspace, but we also need to archive the minutes and records...
We have used the trick of changing styles to huge font to create Font Awesome-like symbols with emojis. This is not the optimal and intuitive approach and the limited emojis...
As we start using Howspace more and more, it would be great if the workspace admin dashboard had the abilility to store workspaces in different folders etc.
For example, we...
Hello, Our users are asking if it's possible to download all content in a Howspace at once instead of having to download all pictures, reading materials, presentations, etc one by one....
The scoreboard widget allows to see the points each individual has. It would be nice to have the choice to see the total points of the whole group. For programs...
When you allow users to give each other points in the Superchat widget, these points are not added to the total points a user has collected for the Scoreboard widget....
I appreciate that Howspace isa great a platform to encourage social interaction and the Superchat widget is a brilliant tool to interact with various set levels of audience (e.g. to...
Is it possible to set up a workspace visuals for the user account so, that only organization approved visuals can be used? I.e. the user can choose the visuals for...
"Show all exam results" has a section for "passed", "started", and "not started". Could there also be one for "failed"? It's a bit confusing now, if you can have people...
Customer request, would it be possilbe to show in poll widget who has answered what in results view. This possibility would be important eg. in municipalities when voting eg. in...