There is already a possibility to send emails to users and select a specific landing page. It would be nice, if I could send email with an anchor to a...
Sometimes Howspace is used as a course platform and then there is a certain amount of "places" per course. In the login/registration view it would be handy if it would...
Hello! I have created a training program in Howspace that includes 4 different courses, each with their own completion certificate and digital badge. Is it possible to look at the...
A possibility for "advanced duplication" of emails, evaluation criteria etc. when turning a workspace into a template.
Currently when duplicating a workspace, you have the advanced duplication options to get...
We organise European seminars for 40-60 education professionals each year.
Participants in 3-5 day events often want to share photos they have taken during the event. Creating a separate photo...
Customer of mine asked this: If you have a questinnaire in workspace and possibility to answer will end on a day x. After that day, would it be possible to...
Kunna välja vilken ordning handledarna syns. Går att filtrera på namn eller senast inloggad skulle vara bra att kunna dra dom i den ordningen man vill ha dom. Vissa är...
Every time I use the superchat widget I need to tick off input options for recording, video and images. Repeat this for the replies. Then I tick off the shadow...
It would be highly beneficial for users to have the option to save their registrations directly to their calendars, a feature already available on many platforms. While email confirmation is...
Superchat-widget could include an option to make teams by random select. This could be a feature for admin. Admin could choose random teams and maximum number of participants. This would...
It would be nice, if there would be a setting in a workspace, that would send reminders to idle users, if not visited workspace [this long] time.
There already is...
Would it be possbile to get the Audio recording answers for the Assignment widget like it is in the Chat widget right now? It would be a more personal and...
Would it be possible to create registration links with which, upon registration, the participant would get access for e.g. 3 months (the duration would be selectable when creating the link)?...
Notifications: if you choose to set your workspace to notifications once a month, you cannot select the day and time when the message is sent. Would it be possible to...
Once the evaluation is given based on a criteria it would be valuable to allow admin/teacher to "lock" it so that no-one can accidentally change anything. Meaning you would then...
Hi, I have a case with a customer where participants are invited to a reflection page every week for an entire year! It would be good if one could schedule invitation...
Currently Howspace Certificates are very limited and they all look pretty similart to each others.
It would be great to have possibility to add any kind of background image for...
My request is for a small addition to the People widget’s recommendation tool.
Right now, the recommender only works with one profile field. To make it more versatile, I would...
This potential UX option would show the Super Chat responses as compact threaded items using accordions. It is more useful when capturing input before and after a live meeting. A...
We would like the opportunity to influence the order of the activity summary. Currently, we find the arrangement of the activity summary to be confusing, and having the ability to...
I am building pages in Path Mode that includes an Exam. The overall flow of the page is: read instructions (Textbox), take pre-assessment (Pulse), watch Video, answer Exam questions based...
We use path mode to help learners monotask. Many of them complete all expected activities, but miss the final "Ready" button at the bottom of the screen. As an admin, I...
Possibility to select different sizes for "circles" Eg if you are discribing a process where you have sycnhronous and asynchronous work, would be nice to be able to use different...
Even though the AI translations are very good, organizations have their own terms, phrases and slang that doesn't translate right and might even create funny or odd translations. Could each...
Could it be possible to order notifications for admins from a spesific page or even a specific chat? For example: Made a chat for Q&A, and would only want a notification...
Pohdimme webinaariemme siirtämistä Howspaceen. Toistaiseksi toimivimmat tavat tähän taitavat olla
Live-widget. Tässä on 200 osallistujan raja ja kokousmaisen osallistumistavan tuomat haasteet, kuten kameroiden ja mikrofonien käyttö
Streamaus esim. YouTube liveen,...
I very often start a project with chat widgets not showing names in order to avoid biased responses. On complex project review pages I would have about 15 to 20...