
Show in login screen how many participants there is and how many allowed

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Antti Peisa, Howspace 29.5.2023 07:15 Edited: 29.5.2023 07:19

Sometimes Howspace is used as a course platform and then there is a certain amount of "places" per course. In the login/registration view it would be handy if it would be possible to show the amount of places there is left. Text could be something like this (no need for options, just figure out which is the best option to show):

  • 9/16 participants
  • 9/16 - 7 seats left
  • 7 places available

Then if the workspace is full, we just show whatever is already defined into "Text to be show on registration page when workspace has maximum amount of users"

This setting "Show amount of users in login view" should go to workspace settings, probably next to the above textarea.

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29.5.2023 07:15, Antti Peisa, Howspace

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Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.