
Table/kanban mode for super chat

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Antti Peisa, Howspace 5.6.2023 07:13 Edited: 27.11.2024 10:04

Alternative mode for superchat, where you would get "full screen" view that allows free drag and dropping of the chat comments (sticky notes). This can be used for prioritizing ideas, categorization for example - similar method that is often done in real life with sticky notes and whiteboard. 

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace, Ola Jubelin, IDG, Kai Hakkarainen, Valentin Rusev, Kristiina Karjalainen
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Kristiina Karjalainen 27.11.2024 10:05 Edited: 27.11.2024 12:11

A really good idea of a"whiteboard" with sticky notes. It could be used as a Miro or a Padlet, but with a Howspace twist. Many teachers would appreciate this kind of widget that can be used inside Howspace, reducing the need to use many different tools in different places. A "one-stop-shop" idea.

Eero Nukari, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Thanks Kristiina. We are in planning phase of the feature. We are planning to combine the super powers of Super Chat and AI to this concept. 

Kristiina Karjalainen
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This idea has been simplified a bit and we are building a "comment categories" and "table/kanban mode" for superchat. 

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Work in progress

5.6.2023 07:13, Antti Peisa, Howspace

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