Currently if you use assignment widget to collect essays for example, you then have to go to evaluation on workspace manager to give the evaluation.
It would be great to...
Many Howspace fans have been asking for a widget for allocating different resources as part of the decision-making process. Allocation can be points, money or other resources. Every participant (or...
Howspace is widening the support for different kinds of learning purposes, for example, self-paced learning, and self-studies. The request has been about supporting the individual to follow-up their own progress...
In workspaces with numerous widget styles, I've noticed that in the workspace manager visuals, widgets appear to be ordered by their creation time. However, when you change a widget's style,...
Currently it is very cumbersome to adjust visual spacing when building workspaces. It would be nice to have a dedicated widget, that can be used to add different visual dividers...
We introduced Facilitated Path 1.0 version in May 2024 as part of the New Howspace release. Facilitated Path is planned to replace the Steps concept from earlier version of Howspace. Facilitated...
The page that shows up when a workspace I try to enter is archived workspace is at the moment the same for everyone - the sad bunny page shown below.The...
It would be great to be able to see analytics of each page easily.
For example, as a facilitator or trainer, I would like to know who visited or didn't...
In many different situations, it would be beneficial for the admin to be able to know when a person was last in the workspace. Now this has to be looked...