It would be great to be able to hide & show pages by one simple click, without having to use timing on that page. Idea:
On the "list all pages" -page there could be a small icon in front of each page (for example an "eye-icon") and by clicking that icon the page would be hidden/shown to users.
In the current version how you can do this:
- Click Edit menu and drag the page away from the menu or
- Go to page settings and make it visible for admins only
In the New Howspace we will have a new "Pages" page where you can move the page away from the menu with one click.
Kiitos Ilkka! Tuo ensimmäinen olikin tiedossa, mutta voisimme testata tuota "visible for admins only". Hienoa, että uuteen versioon on tulossa tuollainen ominaisuus!
t. Susanna
4/22/2024, 11:28 AM, Susanna Keskinen
Released5/14/2024, 12:00 AM
Powering transformative impact
Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.