Hello -are you developing AI insights to scored or option statements/questions? By this, I mean that the questions are compared to each other and correlations, positives or negatives, are pointed...
Instead of just deleting users from the workspace, it would be extremely useful to have a certain "inactive" status for them. Now, if you delete users, the possibilities to analyze...
Possibility to store questions in question bank that randomly draws the desired amount of questions into the exam widgets in the workspace, e.g the question bank has 20 questions in...
Customer is asking: When creating new workspaces from mainuser dashboard and adding admins directly from there the default invitation email language is english and it can not be changed (checked...
We are looking for the possibility to export on time spent in the workspace on a specific date per user and maybe even broken down to pages. So similar to what...
So here's the case: We have created a page for a meeting. During the meeting, we decide to add some material/workshop a specific issue. Now the problem is that we...
It would be wonderful if I could filter the Task (Tehtävä) and maybe also Superchat widgets so that all widgets on the site are filtered at once. We run a...
Some of our users suggested it would be great to able to add new entries in the Vote widget - a "other, please specify" -kind of option. They referenced the...
If one has old SSO configuration (e.g. SAML2) done, and set up for example to 100 workspaces, the new SSO setting must be changed manually to all of them before...
The possibility to record audio in SuperChat and having it transcribed into text is a great feature. This way everyone can participate in the conversation by chatting and the text...
Could the Folders front page be the one visible in the menu? E.g. "Find the Job" would be the front page where you can add content normally.This folder starts with...
In prewious version you could do that, not in current. Will that option be someday in new HS also?
Meaning that when you look at eg. a wordcloud (not using...
While creating profile fiels there is an option to set mandatory fields for participants. However, we can not change the settings whether the participant can edit or not. In some...
Hello, would it be possible to have a feature in videos to make them mandatory in path mode? Currently, it seems that this option is only available in the PDF...
Olisiko mahdollista saada kaikki profiilitietokentät näkymään aktiivisuuskoosteessa?Excelistä saa hyvin sortattua tietoa, joten auttaisi erilaisissa raporteissa osallistujamäärän ollessa suuri.
I just thought of a feature that could be cool to have. Not of hugely importance, you can put it in the "one day perhaps-drawer"😀 When using the possibility to...
This has come up quite a few times. This would for example help understand user behaviour and if some pages work better or worse than some others, which may help...
We regularly send reminder emails to users of one of our workspaces. Since these reminder messages are sent quite often, some users prefer not to receive them. Therefore, we’ve created...
First, let me say that the "translation" feature works very well for clients. Clients appreciate being able to participate in their language.
Our issue is that, as facilitators, we cannot...
Hi! User deletion is currently possible to schedule one user at a time. It would be nice to have an option to schedule deletion for all and/or all non-admin users at...
In situations where the same page template is copied to multiple users (for example, in development discussions), it would be convenient if all copies could be edited simultaneously through the...
When you view "My workspaces" you can see last activity date per workspace. This information is missing from main user app workspaces -view and also from our Partner API.