
Booking widget - importing time slots from Excel

When creating booking option to the page it is really time consuming to enter all the available times manually. Could this be done by importing Excel?

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Never thought about that big usage for booking widget. What are you using it for to have such a many times?

In what format you have the data in excel? Or what is the original source of the data?

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We would like to use to tutoring/coaching meetings bookings. There might be several tutors/coaches who plan their own schedule like month in advance and give available time slots to be booked. Administrator then enters the timeslots to booking widget. 

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Hmm... for that scale I would consider solutions that integrate to their calendars also, solutions like Calendly and then embedding or linking to those. Managing that with booking widget feels like a tedious job and easy to get double bookings.

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20.10.2023 06:37, Katri Pajarinen

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