

The most engaging platform - Co-created with you.


Add certificate on a group

Helu! To make it easier for admin to give specific users a certificate - it is possible make that from a group/3 dot menu? Br /Åsa

Tenttityökalun laajennus

Not planned
Saisiko tentti-työkaluun laajennuksena muitakin tenttitehtäviä, kuin monivalintakysymyksiä. Esim. Avoimia tekstikenttäkysymyksiä? Ja tämän myötä myös opettajan/kouluttajan manuaalisen arviointimahdollisuuden tehtäville?

Sort data in workspace manager -> data is sorted in export file

When you sort data in workspace manager, for example activity collection (progress) or users and then export selected rows to Excel, the data is already sorted as it is in...

Analytics for export: time spent in a workspace on a specific date by user

We are looking for the possibility to export on time spent in the workspace on a specific date per user and maybe even broken down to pages. So similar to what...

Setting to change/delete SSO settings from the workspace list of the main user dashboard

If one has old SSO configuration (e.g. SAML2) done, and set up for example to 100 workspaces, the new SSO setting must be changed manually to all of them before...

Allocate widget: option to let users submit answer without using all points

Not planned
As the title describes - it would be nice to have an option in the priority widget to let users submit their answers when they have unused points. This would...

Possibility to choose the day of the week for notifications:

Not planned
If a person is a member in several workspaces, he/she gets a lot of weekly notifications at the same time. The task may be overwhelming, causing he/she to skip the...

Editin links neat in the chat widget

is there going to be a feature in the chat widget where you can get the links neatly, like in the text widget?

Userlist matching profile fuctionality - multiple choice

Not planned
For our company there is a need to create userlist according to the profile fields. Creating a list with only one profile field answer is not enough and we would...

Ability to show all time page visitors in People Widget

When I run a course of project on Howspace, I would like to be able to show people who have visited a page all time and not only last 24...

Tallentaminen Live-widgetissä

Live-widgetissä pitäisi tulla jonkinlainen varoitus, jos joku laittaa tallennuksen päälle. Ihan niinkuin Teamsissa.

Booking widget - importing time slots from Excel

Not planned
When creating booking option to the page it is really time consuming to enter all the available times manually. Could this be done by importing Excel?

Todistusten arkistointi

Me oppilaitosväki olemme kovia arkistoimaan. Todistuksista pitäisi pystyä ottamaan arkistokappale ulkopuoliseen järjestelmään vietäväksi.

Profile fields - mendatory and edit options

While creating profile fiels there is an option to set mandatory fields for participants. However, we can not change the settings whether the participant can edit or not. In some...

Työtilojen todistukset

Kun työtilasta ei valitettavasti saa useampia todistuksia, niin todistuksiin olisi hienoa saada automatiikka, joka kertoisi eri "polkujen" hyväksytystä osasuorituksista. Esim. Henkilö on suorittanut tähän opintokokonaisuuteen "X" liittyvät seuraavat osiot (polut):...

Changing a page to a folder

Not planned
So here's the case: We have created a page for a meeting. During the meeting, we decide to add some material/workshop a specific issue. Now the problem is that we...

Container background colors with path-mode

Not planned
Lotta from Howspace made us a wonderful visual layout where we use container background colors. Now we would like to use path-mode in some pages but it doesn't work with...

Add single colour instead of image as certificate background

It would be nice to be able to just select a color as certificate background instead of always having to upload an image.

Translation requests

It appears that symbols and parenthesis can impact the quality of the translation (French standard). Could there be a possibility for admins to edit a translation? Also, could we limit...

Public front page of a workspace

I heard this request in a customer community meeting. And it has been asked before: A possibility to create a custom front page for the workspace with a login feature. The front...

Exam widget question bank

Possibility to store questions in question bank that randomly draws the desired amount of questions into the exam widgets in the workspace, e.g the question bank has 20 questions in...

Option to add new entries to votes

Some of our users suggested it would be great to able to add new entries in the Vote widget - a "other, please specify" -kind of option. They referenced the...

Master page, which would allow editing multiple workspace pages at once

In situations where the same page template is copied to multiple users (for example, in development discussions), it would be convenient if all copies could be edited simultaneously through the...

AI Promtning

Var med på Maias AI-dragning idag. Hon visade hur vi kan prompta och jag önskade att det skall kunna gå att skriva och be AI att dela upp det i...

Increased privacy settings

Not planned
Has anyone else seen it as somewhat problematic that all admins have access to everything on a workspace? I have clients who work with 1-1 coaching using Howspace and they...

User deletion for all (non-admins) at once

Hi! User deletion is currently possible to schedule one user at a time. It would be nice to have an option to schedule deletion for all and/or all non-admin users at...

Translation options during the export function

First, let me say that the "translation" feature works very well for clients. Clients appreciate being able to participate in their language.  Our issue is that, as facilitators, we cannot...

Exclude specific user lists from email recipients

Not planned
We regularly send reminder emails to users of one of our workspaces. Since these reminder messages are sent quite often, some users prefer not to receive them. Therefore, we’ve created...

Word cloud

I can not eliminate certain words from a word cloud in the new Howspace os. That was possible in the old one and I used that a lot. Could you...

Text-widget PDF export

Hi! We would like text-widget to feature .pdf export.   Our board of directors hold the board meetings in Howspace, but we also need to archive the minutes and records...

Powering transformative impact

Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.