
Text formatting for all widgets in the new UI

Widget definitely still need text formatting options in the new UI (changing colors, size, etc for individual words/sentences) for added effect. Very inconvenient to add new widget's with different styles, just to highlight something in a text.

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Antti Peisa, Howspace 4.6.2024 20:13 Edited: 5.6.2024 10:25

Have you noticed these options Jutta (highlight text and highlight background):

The possibility to limit color options has few quite a big benefits (although it loses some of the flexibility):

  • You can make changes to whole workspace at one place (imagine changing font sizes or colors to match new branding => that would need manual editing of each widget you have across all the workspaces).
  • Maintaining good accessbility comes much easier, since there is one place to manage all the styling, instead of as many as there are widgets.
Matilda Mäkitalo
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Under consideration

4.6.2024 11:21, Jutta Linna

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