It's great that in Howspace you can engage at scale, and get large groups working on important topics. In these kind of situations, it often becomes necessary to make certain changes to the widget settings.
It would be great if you could develop the ability to mass-edit widget settings. For example, there are already 12 pulse widgets on the page, so an admin could select them all and at once modify a particular setting to all of them. Is there anything on the roadmap, which could help in these kind of facilitation cases?
This would be very helpful. Currently, it is reached by creating one pulse with correct settings and duplicating. However changing settings to all similar widget in page (or group) at once is currently not possible and is quite a hurdle to do.
One related idea has been the possibility to set up the default settings of widgets in workspace level. It is not the same use case as Irina introduced, but might help super users in workspace creation. Another related wish has been to select "Show all results" on a page for admin users. If there are several Poll and Pulse widgets on the page and admin has not answered by herself, it requires several clicks to make the results visible.
From UX/UI perspective this original request by Irina is pretty complex and it could easily lead to mistakes. For example in Pulse, certain settings might vary from widget to another and changing all might lead to lost data etc.
14.6.2024 07:45, Irina Kuoksa, Howspace
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