

The most engaging platform - Co-created with you.


A frame

We published this May 14, 2024

Hi. Is it possible to get a frame as an option on a textwidget?Sometimes when you dont use a background, you still want something that frames the info. Cheers! /Åsa...

Optionally move to next page after path is completed

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We've introduced a new feature that allows you to personalize the "Ready" button found at the end of the path, making it easier than ever to seamlessly proceed to the...

Optionally show Activity Collection score in certificate

We published this Aug 17, 2023

For more advanced certifications you can now include Activity Collection score in the certificate. 

Optionally hide users' last names from other participants

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We've introduced a feature that allows admins to hide users' last names from other participants, mirroring the functionality of hiding email addresses. Admins can still view last names in user...

Count each path part as 1 point in Leaderboard scoring

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We've implemented a scoring fix for the leaderboard in path mode. Previously, participants received 1 point for each path completion. Now, points are awarded based on the number of path...

Sort Activity collection activities alphabetically

We published this Aug 1, 2023

The activity collection activities are now sorted alphabetically. To make it easier to get an overview of the whole activity collection. 

Indicate to the users if a widget is permanently anonymous

We published this Aug 17, 2023

We now offer the choice to maintain user input in a permanently anonymous state across multiple widgets and features, such as Super Chat, Pulse, Poll, and Pinning. To further enhance...

Filter users by last seen on this page in People widget

We published this Aug 18, 2023

For a more comprehensive insight into page visitors within both a 5-minute and 24-hour timeframe, we're excited to introduce an enhanced filtering option within the People widget. This new feature...

Live widget layout

We published this May 15, 2024

There's usually outlines on the sides of Howspace pages. Would be awesome if you could change the location of the live widget screens to either side, from top to bottom,...

Sorting profile fields manually and alphabetically

We published this Aug 18, 2023

Sometimes there is a need to reorder the already created multiple-choice profile fields. Our latest update introduced the ability to manually sort or arrange these options alphabetically, providing enhanced control...

People widget fully transparent background

We published this Aug 21, 2023

Over time, we've received many requests to enable a fully transparent background option for the People widget. This enhancement allows an even more seamless visual look for your workspaces. We're...

Pinning feature with different colors (for different meaning) and emojis

We published this Aug 14, 2023

Clients have asked this: Could there be possibility to add different kind of PINs for the same image. For example:  Green = highly important Yellow = useful Red = not...

Setting default use case for Howspace account/workspaces

We published this May 24, 2024

Would be handy to have the possibility to set a default use case for Howspace account, i.e. all workspaces would get the same use case automatically when created.

Full page width containers with background options

We published this May 14, 2024

I would love to have the option to make container layouts full page width with the option of choosing a full page widty "block" background per container. At the moment...

Public Page templates

We published this Jun 7, 2023

We are excited to introduce a valuable addition to Howspace: Public Page Templates!

SMS PIN Two-Factor authentication

We published this May 25, 2023

We're excited to announce the requested SMS PIN-based Two-Factor authentication, fulfilling our customers' requests for enhanced security. Here's what you need to know: Strengthened Security: The SMS PIN-based Two-Factor authentication...

Main user dashboard: Reduce the wait time in workspace deletion from 20 to 5 sec

We published this Jun 15, 2023

When managing large amounts of workspaces in the Main user dashboard, waiting for each archived workspace to be deleted for 20 seconds is pretty heavy. This is why based on...

Dynamic Userlists based on profile fields

We published this May 17, 2023

We have heard the request for more automated user management. This enhancement to userlists, empowers you with automatic and dynamic userlist creation based on multiple-choice profile fields and organization structures. 

Allow choosing total or average points for teams and userlists in Leaderboard

We published this Jun 19, 2023

Option to select total or average points for teams and userlists in Leaderboard. This allows you to tailor the scoring system according to your unique requirements, providing a fair and...

Select a custom time period for the leaderboard

We published this Jun 19, 2023

Option to choose a custom time period for the leaderboard. This flexibility would empower you to align the leaderboard's point calculation with the specific timeframe of your process.

Link leaderboard engagement to selected page

We published this Jun 19, 2023

Sometimes the leaderboard is meant to count engagement on only one, specific page. This feature ensures that points are calculated in the right context and place.

AI prompting for super chat

We published this May 15, 2024

It would be super cool to have possibility to do "AI prompts" where whole super chat dialogue is given as context. Then based on the discussion AI could be used...

Deleting containers with widgets

We published this Jun 19, 2023

Having the ability to delete entire containers, along with their contents in various widgets, would be highly beneficial. In situations where we duplicate complex pages, there is often a need...

Leaderboard: Add userlist as "Group entries by" option

We published this Jun 19, 2023

When selecting group entries by in leaderboard widget (advanced settings), we are presented with two options: grouping them by users or teams. However, in numerous use cases, it becomes more...

Poll widget - adding horizontal bar view with real-time sorting

We published this Jun 16, 2023

Customers have been asking about new features to the Poll widget: - Horizontal bar result view- sorting of the results in both vertical and horizontal view

Better duplication

We published this Aug 28, 2023

Currently you can duplicate widgets, containers, pages and workspaces (and templates) in Howspace. There are few main problems with the current technical solution: Duplication should be faster. Duplicating big workspaces...

Admin container

We published this Jun 19, 2023

It is a regular container that is shown only for the admins. It is a handy way to embed instructions and facilitator collaboration within the context of a page. Critical...

Journey map / process map

We published this Jun 19, 2023

New widget that allows easy way to visualize process and where we are at the process currently. Without any image editing I should be able to produce something like this:...


We published this Oct 22, 2024

Would be great to have emoji's for Superchat!

Powering transformative impact

Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.