At the moment you are able to set the minimum score (%) for the participants to reach to pass the exam. If they pass you can activate an automated approval, and...
One of our admins proposed an idea for a widget, that would improve user navigation within larger workspaces consisting of multiple pages and folders. They were testing out different ways...
Similarly, as for participants default profile images, a customer is asking for more colors for the team and userlist profile images. These are mainly visible in the Leaderboard widget and...
I would like to request a feature where, when selecting a previous email as a template for a new one, it would be possible to preview past emails before choosing...
In the Workspaces view, it would be useful to have 'last used' in addition to the 'created' attribute. This would allow a quick glance to determine whether a workspace is...
When hosting meetings where sensitive content is discussed, I want to be able to generate an AI summary of the meeting in text, without having to record the meeting.
This might be a crucial one for us working over many time zones during the IDG Summit. I haven't actually tested it, but am assuming since there is no selector...
Helu!To create a certificate is a great way to easy make a digital connection to your company. But -
Name - to small! - no possibility to make bigger
Customers often have content in various documents (like PDF, Word, PowerPoint). It is time consuming work to copy & paste content from these into Howspace workspaces.
It would be great...
A customer was asking if we could add the total points of the activity collection to the export. These points are already used in the Leaderboard widget, and there is...
Saisikohan widgetteihin jatkossa mahdollisuutta vaihtaa tekstin väriä paikallisesti? Tämä helpottaisi esim. luonnostelutilanteessa, jossa esimerkiksi keskeneräiset ja täydennettävät osiot voisi laittaa tekstissä punaiseksi. Näin ne hyppäisivät adminien silmään nopeammin.
When copying a page to the same or a new workspace, possibility to keep chat, poll and pulse content.
This would be important when you for example need to move...
Hei, Digitodistuksessa on vielä bugeja. Tämän lisäksi osallistujan nimeä pitää pystyä suurentamaan. Alla kaksi kuvaa, jotka kertoo tarkemmin. Alemmassa kuvassa näkyy editori, jossa todistusta muokataan. Siinä siis näkyy, että olen vienyt...
Hoping that old theme clustering will find its way back to new HS.
We found AI clustering feature nice but it only generates a list of themes without providing supporting...
When submitting learning tasks or other submissions, it would be great to have an automatic peer review function that would randomly produce a peer or peers to be reviewed. So...
Would it be possible to make journey widget work with steps so that you can edit journey widget to show selected phace in each step. E.g. I have 3 5...
FEATURE REQUESTCross-filtering in Activity Collection (upcoming Progress). E.g. being able to choose both a user list as well as the approval status in order to look at and communicate only...
Customer is asking: When creating new workspaces from mainuser dashboard and adding admins directly from there the default invitation email language is english and it can not be changed (checked...
It appears that symbols and parenthesis can impact the quality of the translation (French standard). Could there be a possibility for admins to edit a translation?
Also, could we limit...
For PULSE questions with multiple rounds, admin has to manually go to the PULSE widget and modify the answer rounds. Participant has to go back to the same page to...
Hello, would it be possible to have a feature in videos to make them mandatory in path mode? Currently, it seems that this option is only available in the PDF...
Olisiko mahdollista saada kaikki profiilitietokentät näkymään aktiivisuuskoosteessa?Excelistä saa hyvin sortattua tietoa, joten auttaisi erilaisissa raporteissa osallistujamäärän ollessa suuri.
Could the Folders front page be the one visible in the menu? E.g. "Find the Job" would be the front page where you can add content normally.This folder starts with...
From an accessibility perspective, it would be great if the live widget can support live caption functionality. (For example, participants can enable 'live caption' in any of the MS Teams...