Use case: many participants in a workspace, some identifying feature in profile fields (e.g. office location) -> it would be nice to be able to export data that has been...
Instead of just deleting users from the workspace, it would be extremely useful to have a certain "inactive" status for them. Now, if you delete users, the possibilities to analyze...
For our company there is a need to create userlist according to the profile fields. Creating a list with only one profile field answer is not enough and we would...
When you view "My workspaces" you can see last activity date per workspace. This information is missing from main user app workspaces -view and also from our Partner API.
The scoreboard widget allows to see the points each individual has. It would be nice to have the choice to see the total points of the whole group. For programs...
Hi,Requesting a feature that would enable users to book a time and get a calendar invite to their own calender OR that would save all the times the user has...
Would it be possible to make journey widget work with steps so that you can edit journey widget to show selected phace in each step. E.g. I have 3 5...
FEATURE REQUESTCross-filtering in Activity Collection (upcoming Progress). E.g. being able to choose both a user list as well as the approval status in order to look at and communicate only...
It would be nice to export data using a specific timeframe, as in the dashboard. Worth highlighting the importance of having consistent data and a clear database.
In the Workspaces view, it would be useful to have 'last used' in addition to the 'created' attribute. This would allow a quick glance to determine whether a workspace is...
It would be great if each participant could get a summary of all their posts in a training process. It would also help us facilitet by looking at patterns in...
Similarly, as for participants default profile images, a customer is asking for more colors for the team and userlist profile images. These are mainly visible in the Leaderboard widget and...
Customers have been asking about new features to the Poll widget: - Horizontal bar result view- sorting of the results in both vertical and horizontal view
Hei, Digitodistuksessa on vielä bugeja. Tämän lisäksi osallistujan nimeä pitää pystyä suurentamaan. Alla kaksi kuvaa, jotka kertoo tarkemmin. Alemmassa kuvassa näkyy editori, jossa todistusta muokataan. Siinä siis näkyy, että olen vienyt...
It would be awesome to have the possibility to send invitations to workspaces and reminders also via text message in addition to emails. I.e. the admin would be able to...
Hoping that old theme clustering will find its way back to new HS.
We found AI clustering feature nice but it only generates a list of themes without providing supporting...
Saisikohan widgetteihin jatkossa mahdollisuutta vaihtaa tekstin väriä paikallisesti? Tämä helpottaisi esim. luonnostelutilanteessa, jossa esimerkiksi keskeneräiset ja täydennettävät osiot voisi laittaa tekstissä punaiseksi. Näin ne hyppäisivät adminien silmään nopeammin.
Development of idea notifications from my customer: I am involved in the network's workspace, where there is a lot of discussion around different topics, on different pages. It would be...
Customers often have content in various documents (like PDF, Word, PowerPoint). It is time consuming work to copy & paste content from these into Howspace workspaces.
It would be great...
Howspace can be used to make Q & A:s more efficient. For instance: employees ask their questions, the people responsible for the respective areas answer. The admin has the responsibility...