I am building pages in Path Mode that includes an Exam. The overall flow of the page is: read instructions (Textbox), take pre-assessment (Pulse), watch Video, answer Exam questions based...
Could an automatic email be sent upon the issuance of the certificate? It is a significant achievement, and therefore, it would be important to highlight it.
We use path mode to help learners monotask. Many of them complete all expected activities, but miss the final "Ready" button at the bottom of the screen. As an admin, I...
Possibility to select different sizes for "circles" Eg if you are discribing a process where you have sycnhronous and asynchronous work, would be nice to be able to use different...
Even though the AI translations are very good, organizations have their own terms, phrases and slang that doesn't translate right and might even create funny or odd translations. Could each...
Could it be possible to order notifications for admins from a spesific page or even a specific chat? For example: Made a chat for Q&A, and would only want a notification...
I would like to propose a feature that would improve the continuous tracking of AI-generated summaries during discussions. Currently, when I prompt the AI to highlight key points from a...
Pohdimme webinaariemme siirtämistä Howspaceen. Toistaiseksi toimivimmat tavat tähän taitavat olla
Live-widget. Tässä on 200 osallistujan raja ja kokousmaisen osallistumistavan tuomat haasteet, kuten kameroiden ja mikrofonien käyttö
Streamaus esim. YouTube liveen,...
It would be a great feature accessability-wise if users could adjust font sizes and perhaps enable a high-contrast mode.
These are typical features that web browsers have, but our users...
Would it be possible to create registration links with which, upon registration, the participant would get access for e.g. 3 months (the duration would be selectable when creating the link)?...
Once the evaluation is given based on a criteria it would be valuable to allow admin/teacher to "lock" it so that no-one can accidentally change anything. Meaning you would then...
It would be great to have access to at least main metrics from workspace analytics from our API. Even giving dates as params and getting active users, contributions and visits...
Helu!To create a certificate is a great way to easy make a digital connection to your company. But -
Name - to small! - no possibility to make bigger
When facilitating workshops, courses where admin user is not taking part in pulses and polls. It would be handy to have the option to see all results on the page...
When hosting meetings where sensitive content is discussed, I want to be able to generate an AI summary of the meeting in text, without having to record the meeting.
Is it possible to create a widget that allows participants to rank something? I came across an activity to ask people to rank 10 items as per their importance. I...
Customers often have content in various documents (like PDF, Word, PowerPoint). It is time consuming work to copy & paste content from these into Howspace workspaces.
It would be great...
Similarly, as for participants default profile images, a customer is asking for more colors for the team and userlist profile images. These are mainly visible in the Leaderboard widget and...
Wishing for an easier way to delete inactive users via the main user dashboard. When looking at a specific workspace in the main user dashboard > workspaces > specific workspace...
When copying a page to the same or a new workspace, possibility to keep chat, poll and pulse content.
This would be important when you for example need to move...
At the moment our translation feature is covering video and audio transcriptions . The last piece missing from the video translation puzzle would be translating the automatic video subtitles.
It would be awesome to have the possibility to send invitations to workspaces and reminders also via text message in addition to emails. I.e. the admin would be able to...
One of our admins proposed an idea for a widget, that would improve user navigation within larger workspaces consisting of multiple pages and folders. They were testing out different ways...
Could be an addition to the Fileshare widget. The idea is that it would be nice to be able to share multiple files in the same widget in a workspace...
Saisikohan widgetteihin jatkossa mahdollisuutta vaihtaa tekstin väriä paikallisesti? Tämä helpottaisi esim. luonnostelutilanteessa, jossa esimerkiksi keskeneräiset ja täydennettävät osiot voisi laittaa tekstissä punaiseksi. Näin ne hyppäisivät adminien silmään nopeammin.
It would be nice to export data using a specific timeframe, as in the dashboard. Worth highlighting the importance of having consistent data and a clear database.