Currently you can duplicate widgets, containers, pages and workspaces (and templates) in Howspace. There are few main problems with the current technical solution:
There is also another feature request that is related: duplicate a folder
When we duplicate a page, it would be great to have the choice to duplicate with widgets and their comments or without.
This is going to be released soon. With workspaces or pages with a lot of files this will be 10-1000x faster than the old duplication.
Also the references (for example AI insights) are always working as expected.
New duplication was published today. It gives huge performance boost for duplication.
We are still fixing some edge case issues, but I hope you will like the new solution!
9.6.2023 10:19, Antti Peisa, Howspace
Released28.8.2023 00:00
Powering transformative impact
Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.