
Customizing colors and fonts

Haa 14.2.2024 12:55 Edited: 6.3.2024 15:06

Is it possible to customize colors and fonts for our own default widget settings?

We are aware of the general functionality for manually changing colors and text fonts within each widget. And to make our own custom designs for the workplace through the "edit visuals" functionality. However, our organization does have a color template and design language that we would love to be able to use on all visuals. Most widgets suggest/use default colors that I don't think we can change based on our preferences? Our most commonly used examples would be in sticky notes and in polls. The same goes for the standard text font in all widgets.

If possible we would like to make a default selection of colors and fonts for all widgets that will match our organizations color template. This would save us a lot of time where we today manually have to adjust these settings in every single widget we use in every single workspace.

Antti Peisa
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Matilda Mäkitalo 22.2.2024 08:40 Edited: 25.3.2024 08:28

At the moment we don't have a functionality to have a default settings for fonts and colors. However, we are actively working on the new version of Howspace and there we have already implemented a feature that solves this need perfectly. 

We will communicate more about the new version during the spring! 

Haa, Antti Peisa, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Customizing colors and fonts

Started by Haa at 14.2.2024 12:55

1 replies. Last at 22.2.2024 08:40

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