
Combine several AI sources into one AI-Widget

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Daniel Hirschler 14.6.2023 19:59 Edited: 22.6.2023 13:01

I would like to combine several different chats (as sources for the AI), into one AI-Widget (as the outlet of the AI). This seems to not be possible. Or am I missing something. Two modes would be great: 

  • Combine chats from one page in to one AI widget
  • Combine chats from one workspace into one AI widget
Antti Peisa, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Hi Daniel

You got it right, currently it is not possible to combine multiple chats. We have been thinking about this and your approach (one page, one workspace) sounds very good. I will create a roadmap item from here.

We have great things coming regarding AI features, eager to tell more about those soon.

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Daniel Hirschler 16.6.2023 06:11 Edited: 22.6.2023 13:02

Great, looking forward to see what's coming up. One more thought:

  • as a a facilitator, I would still want to have the choice over which sources will get connected to which outlets. So a logic that says: combine all chats of the page/workspace into this outlet would be handy. But also: combine these three outlets, but not these other two. Almost like a mixing board…
Antti Peisa, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Thanks Daniel. Great ideas. 

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Combine several AI sources into one AI-Widget

Started by Daniel Hirschler at 14.6.2023 19:59

3 replies. Last at 22.6.2023 13:02

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