
Co-creating 4D Objectives

A practical goal-setting template that utilizes an appreciative inquiry-based 4D-model (Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver) in the context of a setting company or team-level objectives.

    Co-creation & Collaboration

Appreciative inquiry is a positive approach to leadership development and organizational change. The method is used to boost innovation among organizations. A company might apply appreciative inquiry to best practices, strategic planning, organizational culture, and to increase the momentum of initiatives.

4D-model (Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver) is a practical model to work with appreciative inquiry. The purpose of this template is to use the four parts of the 4D model to co-create objectives that are aspirational and ambitious and lead to high performance. The goal-setting process builds ownership of the goals already during the goal-setting process.

Who is the template for?

  • Self-lead or flat organizations
  • Companies working with the OKR model and wanting to involve their teams in Objective setting
  • Leaders and facilitators interested in the practical application of appreciative inquiry

How is this template used?

The template is built in 6 parts. There is a short intro to the 4D and OKR frameworks, a page for each part of the 4D model described below, and an end reflection.

  • Discovery: What have we learned?
  • Dream: What are we dreaming about?
  • Design: What should we be focusing on?
  • Delivery: Let's do it!

The template needs a facilitator and can host a large number of participants. It can be used for a synchronous workshop or a blended process utilizing synchronous and asynchronous work.

Official Howspace template

Created by our professionals here at Howspace.

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