
Peer Feedback

Provide employees with a way to gather feedback that is actionable, easy to digest, and focused on learning.

How do you ask for feedback from your peers? Most employees would prefer getting more feedback on their performance and actionable suggestions for improvement. This feedback doesn't have to be limited to official performance reviews or solely for the manager-employee relationship. This template is a simple and actionable way for any employee to gather peer-to-peer feedback.

This feedback template is based on two methods: Sociocracy 3.0's Peer Feedback method and the co-missioning project method. The purpose is to provide the employee with a way to gather feedback that is actionable, easy to digest and focused on learning.

Who is the template for?

For any individual employee who would like to gather feedback from their peers

How is this template used?

Send invitations to the workspace to the colleagues who you'd like to invite for feedback giving. They will have to reserve 15-20 minutes to give you feedback. It is recommended to use this workspace later to reflect on whether you have acted on the feedback you have received and gather multiple feedback rounds over time.

Official Howspace template

Created by our professionals here at Howspace.

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