
Translator adjustments - is it possible to improve the translation

Our Baltic Sea Region network is using the Howspace in multiple co-learning and open innovation processes. On first trials, we have found that the translator is missing Latvian language. Is it going to be added soon?

Also, we got complaints about the quality of the Polish translation (from English to Polish). 

In our network, Howspace is used e.g. for participant surveys for different groups involved in the open innovation process. To ensure that the participants understand questions correctly, it would be great if the translation could be improved manually to avoid misunderstanding in the answers and finally in the research results. Because we have many nationalities involved, some language translations from English might work well and some need improvement. If we can only change the original English version, it becomes difficult to address the issues in specific language translation without interfering with the other translations.

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Antti Peisa 3.10.2023 04:53 Edited: 13.12.2023 18:59

Hi Anna

Thanks for your feedback and ideas. We have added support for Latvian language.

We have been talking about adding editor to manually tweak automatic translations. No final decisions yet about that.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CEO, Howspace
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Antti Peisa 8.4.2024 06:23 Edited: 22.4.2024 10:10

Also great idea from customer is possibility to have some terms that will not be translated, or will always be translated in certain way. This is especially helpful for different names. You could say:

Howspace => Howspace
Palloliitto => Football Association


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Under consideration

20.6.2023 08:07, Anna Aalto

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