
Translator adjustments - is it possible to improve the translation

Anna Aalto 20.6.2023 08:07 Edited: 30.9.2024 09:25

Our Baltic Sea Region network is using the Howspace in multiple co-learning and open innovation processes. On first trials, we have found that the translator is missing Latvian language. Is it going to be added soon?

Also, we got complaints about the quality of the Polish translation (from English to Polish). 

In our network, Howspace is used e.g. for participant surveys for different groups involved in the open innovation process. To ensure that the participants understand questions correctly, it would be great if the translation could be improved manually to avoid misunderstanding in the answers and finally in the research results. Because we have many nationalities involved, some language translations from English might work well and some need improvement. If we can only change the original English version, it becomes difficult to address the issues in specific language translation without interfering with the other translations.

Joakim Jeremias Tervonen
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Antti Peisa, Howspace 3.10.2023 04:53 Edited: 10.10.2024 07:40

Hi Anna

Thanks for your feedback and ideas. We have added support for Latvian language.

We have been talking about adding editor to manually tweak automatic translations. No final decisions yet about that.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace, Tuula Pihlajamaa
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Antti Peisa, Howspace 8.4.2024 06:23 Edited: 22.4.2024 10:10

Also great idea from customer is possibility to have some terms that will not be translated, or will always be translated in certain way. This is especially helpful for different names. You could say:

Howspace => Howspace
Palloliitto => Football Association


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Thanks to Anna and Antti. 

I have a similar challenge with translations. The core of using a workspace is to provide a safe environment where one can learn and collaborate. Uncertainty in understanding can shift focus away from the main topic.

Very often, field-specific content contains terms that are clearly not translated (such as the names of organizations or titles) or are always translated in a specific way (e.g., 'project' = projekti, not hanke; 'jury' = tuomaristo, not court). Even being able to 'lock in' the meaning of a term in English (to then use it for translations into other languages) would already help significantly.

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In addition. A participant can choose their preferred language in the workspace. Is it possible to send messages so that the text follows the participant’s language selection? The individual variables related to messaging are always retrieved from the respective workspace.

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Can you open the last idea a bit more?

For example if there are 100 participants in a workspace and they are using 10 different languages. How would you like to send emails to them? With variables you are referencing to these [WORKSPACE_NAME] variables, right?

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Thanks for asking :) I was thinking of a regular email sent from the workspace (e.g., 'welcome to today's meeting...', 'a new module has opened', etc.), where the recipient would receive the message in the language they have selected in the workspace. It's already possible to personalize the messages (e.g., using the recipient's name) and, of course, their email address. Does this clarify my question at all?

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This might be super tricky, since often emails are sent to multiple users at the same time. 

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Under consideration

20.6.2023 08:07, Anna Aalto

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