
Translations: possibility to see what language users are using

This would help the fasilitators to have information about the languages used and also a possibility to use that information in communication with the users.

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Extra comment from customer, why: Some users might get a whole lot more out of a particular workspace if they used this excellent translation tool! If the admins could see who is using translations, it would be easier to contact/advice those persons who are not yet using it and might benefit from it!

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Would it be helpful if that information would be visible in the users profile for admin users? 

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Liisa Marsio, Howspace 30.10.2023 11:52 Edited: 2.11.2023 06:36

That would be good too, original tought from the customer was that it would be great if that could be seen at user management front page list.

Antti Peisa, Howspace
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Antti Peisa, Howspace 2.11.2023 06:38 Edited: 2.11.2023 06:39

This could be something like translator icon on user list (= "has chosen something else than original language") and then hovering over would reveal the language they are using. In new UI we also have card layout for users, so there we have more space and could show all the information right away.

I think this is good idea and probably something we could implement to new UI.

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Sound good!

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Under consideration

11.10.2023 07:51, Liisa Marsio, Howspace

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Howspace is the transformation platform to engage everyone in impactful change.