
Setting the visuals for one page and the workspace

Wish for the new feature for editing the visual settings. 

Current situation: 

  • You can have visual settings, covering all the pages in one workspace. And in addition you can edit nice visuals per one page (i.e. the landing page). 
  • If you have page visuals, there is a button "Revert workspace visuals" and you can have the workspace default visuals to that page with one click. This is nice!

New suggestion:

  • Could there be a feature to do that the other way round? 
  • If admin has set page visuals for one page -> would be great to set those settings as default visuals for the whole workspace.
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This sounds awesome. This would greatly enhance the possibility to re-use material across organisation and between companies. I would love to see this kind of flexibility! 

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That is going to be available in the new Howspace later this spring. Once you edit page visuals, that will be available: apply these to the whole workspace. We will also introduce a new concept: optional widget visuals...

Merja Laine
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Antti Peisa, Howspace 24.1.2024 13:01 Edited: 30.1.2024 10:42

Also related will be the possibility to copy visuals between workspaces and setting an organization wide default visuals.

Merja Laine, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Under consideration

22.1.2024 05:24, Irina Kuoksa, Howspace

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