
Semi-admin, please!

I would like to have a funktion for "semi-admins".

Ex Educaters/leaders that can do certain things as an admin - but not everything. For example see "Framsteg" (Progress?) for everyone.

And maybe send e-mail to the group. If. for en example 2 in a group don't find a link the educater can by them self send a link and don't have to contact an admin.

The admin can choose what rights to give. Thank you! 👊

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Thanks Åsa, as you probably know, you can give admin rights in page level and widget level. It looks like, you would like to expand the possibilities to features that you cannot give rights at the moment, features, that are in Workspace manager level, right?

This request might feel tiny detail, but it is fundamental in the system level. We have been protecting the simplicity by having just two roles: participant and admin. 

So as a "full admin" you would like to give extra rights for a user or user list, right? By that we could avoid the new role and in any case the right for the role would require specification. 

Can you list the features, views, pages that you might want to give to "semi-admins" and while listing them are they just seeing those or should they be able to operate on those. 

Thanks for you help in advance Åsa

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And one more question: would you like them to visit the workspace or get the information / reports some other way? If so, frequently of on demand?

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Hi Ilkka, 
We are setting upp a bigger project now, wich includes Leaders and their teams. The leaders would like to see Progress (Framsteg in Swedish) from the teamparticipants.
They will have different persons in different teams to see so I would like them to see their company/regions member of the team.

  • see Progress/Framsteg

This can be solved by having a report regarding what company they belong to?

I also have trainers who will work more in HS then before. 
I would love them to easy be able to work in the workspace without being able to change stuff as background, colours. So they could:

  • send e-mail to users from userlists or single persons (but not add persons)
  • change text (but not add new widgets)
  • see Progress/Framsteg (but not change the choosen step-by-steg pages)

This one is maybe more tricky. For me it would be impossible making them admin on all pages.

That's all now - I guess there is wishes from more people around creating i new role. 😜

I would like more of my colleagues to work on the platforms I have - but I don't want them to have full access. 
So in the end, I'm getting doing everything and they nothing - instead of being able to help me off a bit.

Br, Åsa

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Access management gets very tricky very quickly. The more roles the more complex everything becomes. It is easy to understand why you would need these, but the next customer has totally different needs. "Why I can edit, but not add new widgets?" would be question we would receive for sure. Then the other option is to make "everything configurable" - this would get so complex, that no-one would like to touch it.

For the Progress I know at least one customer, who is solving this need through our API, they have separate service that fetch the Progress data through our API and show "per team" lists of that there.

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Hi, just got a second customer who wanted to see all Progress (who I don't want to set as an admin).
If you or somebody can show me this solution trought your API, I would be glad. 

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API solution needs a developer to build a solution which can fetch data from the API and then render it somewhere else. I am happy to join a meeting and help if there is already a developer, who will start building against our API.

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29.1.2025 08:41, Åsa PR

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