
Priority Widget

Lassi Makinen 22.5.2023 10:29 Edited: 4.7.2023 21:59

A visual tool where you for example have 5-10 options horizontally or vertically in the assignment and you can move these options with your own cursor to the right order.

This could also be used in some learning/exam cases where you could put different parts of a process for example in the right order. So there could be optional settings to put in the "correct answer" but in my use case I would be happy with just the option to prioritize elements visually.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace, Ola Jubelin, IDG
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Thanks Lassi. Here you can see the latest design drafts.

Lassi Makinen, Ola Jubelin, IDG
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Lassi Makinen 29.5.2023 11:45 Edited: 9.6.2023 05:39

Looks good!

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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We also designed a version where admin can decide how many votes is available for each participant and whether a participant can give several votes to one option or not. How does that sound like? 

Lassi Makinen
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Lassi Makinen 3.8.2023 06:10 Edited: 3.8.2023 06:45

Nice! Is there a rough schedule when this is coming out?

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Hi Lassi, we don´t have exact schedules available yet for this feature. The majority of the team is going to focus now on the new UI project, and the Priorities widget will be implemented after that is done. The good news is that your idea of improved pinning is currently a work in progress and probably will be released this month.

Lassi Makinen, Ivana Sepic
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Hi, is there any news on prioratization Prioritization Widget and possbile date of release? 

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Antti Peisa 11.4.2024 07:21 Edited: 21.4.2024 18:45

We are currently focusing on releasing the new Howspace (15th of May) and prioritization widget is not part of it.

I hope we can start working on it soon after the release, but it is of course a bit uncertain regarding how the launch goes.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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We have started working on Prioritization widget, so it is coming soon(ish).

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We decided to do two new widgets: Priority (to give priority order to different options) and Allocate (to allocate resources between different option). These are now done and in testing phase and will be released soon. Priority widget is supported by AI. You can pick up topics from the discussions, for example "What are the top 5 ideas in this discussion" and create the Priority widget based on that. You can also generate Priority widget with direct prompting, for example "Prioritize 5 most common team development initiatives" If you would like to get access to test these, please contact us. 

Antti Peisa
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dear @Ilkka this sounds great! We would like to see it, can we get access to testing? 

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This has now been released. Actually we released also Allocate widget at the same. 

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Matilda Mäkitalo 25.9.2024 06:47 Edited: 25.9.2024 07:49

Howspace: Priority widget

The Priority Widget allows users to collaboratively prioritize options set by the admin, resulting in a clear, collective priority order. This feature enables teams to align on what matters most by ranking items such as projects, initiatives, or tasks. 

It provides a transparent, easy-to-use tool for group decision-making, ensuring that everyone’s input is reflected in the final priorities, fostering consensus and clarity.

Learn how to get started with Priority widget here!

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Taken from Lassi's original  post:

This could also be used in some learning/exam cases where you could put different parts of a process for example in the right order. So there could be optional settings to put in the "correct answer" but in my use case I would be happy with just the option to prioritize elements visually.

Would it it be possible to add this functionality into the Priority Widget? At the moment we have questions in our certification exam that need this kind of feature in them.

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How would you approve such a thing? You need to get all items in correct order => pass, otherwise fail?

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In our case yes, exactly like that. Either pass or fail.

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Antti Peisa 18.10.2024 09:16 Edited: 22.10.2024 08:46

This could work nicely. Can you submit that as a separate idea Kusti? That way we don't forget it here.

Kusti Kaukoniemi
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22.5.2023 10:29, Lassi Makinen


18.9.2024 00:00

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