
Mark a new page

Hi, is it possible to mark a new added page onto the WS with a dot, "new-text" or something else. Right now I'm having a library with lot of folders/pages.
It would be nice to somehow mark that I've added a new page 🌸

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Antti Peisa 30.5.2023 11:48 Edited: 3.6.2023 06:14

We have actually discussed about this before. Our idea was to tie it not to pages, but all widgets. So if you create a new page and add PDF or Text Widget there, then you could somehow (three dots or editing view) mark it as "new content", which would add a notification dot for that page. This way you could also mark what section is new or changed inside a long page.

Could this solution work for you also Åsa?

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Åsa PR 30.5.2023 11:55 Edited: 4.8.2023 11:33

Could work - but.... Been looking now in Text Widget, three dots, editing view and can't find a place where I can mark stuff as "new content". 
Where do I find that possibility?

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Oh sorry, I was unclear. We don't have it yet, but we have been thinking that kind of solution. So instead of marking whole page as new, you could mark any of the widgets as new. This would add the green dot for the page also.

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Åsa PR 30.5.2023 12:03 Edited: 3.6.2023 06:15

Oh I seeeee! haha - explains everything 🤣

As long as you see a green dot for that specific page it would absolutly work. 

Gracias and kiitos Antti!

Antti Peisa, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Irina Kuoksa, Howspace 31.5.2023 05:48 Edited: 3.6.2023 06:15

I've faced situations where the admin wants to catch participants' attention to updates in widgets other than SuperChat. The green notification labels could also help participants to notice other updates: a new Video/PDF has been uploaded to the page, new options have been added to the Booking widget, call to answer new Pulse/Poll widget, the content in Text widget has been updated, etc. 

However, the admin does not always want these to be notified to the participants. I'm interested to hear in what situations it would be helpful if the admin could choose "show this update in what's new" when saving changes.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Excellent discussion. Until now the solution have been: add a Super Chat widget beside the new content and write a comment where you are explain something relevant about the new content: why should others care, what's in it for who, what you are expecting from others etc. Even we would add the possibility to mark something new, we should forget to build the meaning around the content. 

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I am all in for this idea. What are the widgets this should be introduced? All?

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Antti Peisa 6.6.2023 13:24 Edited: 5.10.2023 10:23

In my opinion this should be behind three dots for each widget - with a modal confirmation "Do you want to mark this widget as updated and show what's new notification for all users who have access here"

Other option would be checkbox within edit view, but I think it might not be always suitable - and also confirmation not easily doable there.

Åsa PR, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace, Liisa Marsio, Howspace
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I like the idea of having that opportunity on every widget. 

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Antti Peisa 8.8.2023 07:07 Edited: 4.9.2023 21:38

We decided to move this to backlog. Implementation will be part of the new UI project (or right after it).

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace, Irina Kuoksa, Howspace, Åsa PR, Ola Jubelin, IDG
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Any further thoughts on this one? /Åsa

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Not directly yet. We have implemented the possibility to link individual widgets (in or outside the Howspace) and that can be helpful when used in combination with SuperChat. I know it is not the same as discussed here and we will look for the opportunity to implement this feature.

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30.5.2023 10:35, Åsa PR

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