In the booking widget you can activate and set up two confirmation emails: one to confirm the booking, and one to confirm a cancellation of the booking. These emails used to include a login link button to the workspace and the booking widget in question.
Autumn 2023 the booking widget confirmation email login link button was removed, i.e. the button was no longer visible in the emails in people's inboxes. This was done to solve an issue where a facilitator/admin had added their own email address in the email settings to receive a copy of the user confirmation email as a heads up of the bookings made. The issue that occured was that the email they received included the users' personal login link, which was important to fix asap.
The long-term solution discussed earlier, and what we wish to get developed now, is the following:
2 separate emails are sent when a booking and a booking cancellation is made. Each of these emails have their own different default texts and separate recipients.
EMAIL 1 - To the user
One email is to the user who made the booking/cancellation including a confirmation/cancellation message, the easy add to the calendar link/remove from the calendar link, and the login link to access the workspace with the booking widget for e.g. easy cancellation if needed.
EMAIL 2 - To the defined admin(s)
A second email is to the defined admin(s) whose email address is added to receive information that person x has made a booking or cancelled a booking and information about the booking (what booking, the time etc.). The booking confirmation email would include the add to the calendar link to be easily added to admins calendar if wanted. The cancellation confirmation email would include the remove from the calendar link. This email could also include the admin's personal login link button for easy access to check the booking situation when new bookings and/or cancellation messages come in their inbox.
3.3.2025 15:21, Maija Tapani
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