
Audio settings in Super Chat

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Irina Kuoksa, Howspace 13.6.2024 15:12 Edited: 5.8.2024 07:43

The possibility to record audio in SuperChat and having it transcribed into text is a great feature. This way everyone can participate in the conversation by chatting and the text possible to translate and summarize by the AI. However, this is a relatively difficult feature to find in the UI and will certainly be missed by many admins. Could the button and interface be improved?

Also, it would be great if either the participant could choose to "hide audio file" or this could be in the SuperChat settings, i.e. the admin could choose "Audio recordings disabled, so that only text would be shown in the chat.

Antti Ryysy
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Yes. Extremely fluent way to participate by speaking with mobile devices. However, original audio is not intresting compared to the transcribed message. 

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Antti Peisa 1.7.2024 10:25 Edited: 1.7.2024 10:25

Interesting! Doesn't all (Android and iOS) mobile devices have already text-to-speech available directly in the keyboard, so you can speak into a textarea? Or is it poor quality or something that people aren't used to use?

Irina, when you wrote:

> However, this is a relatively difficult feature to find in the UI and will certainly be missed by many admins. 

Are you referring to the transcript text or the AI summary connection?

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Under consideration

13.6.2024 15:12, Irina Kuoksa, Howspace

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