
Add @everyone tag in Superchat

Inti Cheung 29.1.2025 17:13 Edited: 3.2.2025 10:58

I appreciate that Howspace isa great a platform to encourage social interaction and the Superchat widget is a brilliant tool to interact with various set levels of audience (e.g. to admin only, only to the userlist or to everyone) 

There are a couple of suggestions to enhance the use of supercaht widget:

  1. Add '@everyone' tag: so that specific notification will be sent to participants immediately rather than along with other general daily/weekly notification. This will be particularly useful if the admin has shared some info e.g. pre-work, annoucement that requires immediate attention.  This will prompt people to actively going back to the workspace and check for latest information.
  2. Add dedicated notification for superchat which is set to be seen my admin only (currently it is called 'Showing only your own comments.'). I use this setting for participants who want to send private message to our faciliator/ admin. Although I educated participant to add a name tag (i.e. '@faciliator's name') to prompt personal notification, a lot of times people are missing it and the message are left without immediate attention from the admin. (As the messages are counted as general notifications) If admin can receive a email notification once someone has left a message in the dedicated superchat, admin can be promoted and respond quickly. This will enhance a lot on provding individual learning support. 
Mika Lillman
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Thanks Inti. 
1. The @everyone tag is a great idea. Do you agree with me that it could be available only for admin users to avoid it being overused? 
2. Have you been testing the assignment widget? It is another option for this kind of need. 

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Hi Ilkka, thanks for your prompt response!
1. That's a good idea and I think having @everyone tag available to admin would be greatly beneficial in drawing participants back to the workspace. 
2. Assignment widget - I am not sure this would give a standalone notification to the admin once someone left a message? (like notification for someone @you in a comment) Plus the term 'assignment' could be confusing in email notification as they are messages rather than assignments. I hope this makes sense?

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Antti Peisa, Howspace 6.2.2025 12:00 Edited: 7.2.2025 07:46

The @everyone mention is duplicate and can be found from this idea. I hope we get working on it soon.

Inti Cheung, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Currently not planned

29.1.2025 17:13, Inti Cheung

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